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Learn How to Get Rid of White Spots Under the Eyes Here

White spots that arise under or around the eyes, nose and cheeks tend to be harmless. But it can still interfere with appearance. The good news, there are a number of treatments that are believed to be effective as a way to get rid of white spots under the eyes. These treatments include deroofing, laser ablation, dermabrasion, topical medication, diathermy methods, to cryotherapy. Check out the explanation in the following review! White spots under the eyes refer to a clinical condition called milia. Although it generally occurs in newborns, milia can also occur in children and even adults. Milia in newborns does not require medical treatment and will disappear by itself within a few weeks. Whereas in children, adolescents and adults, a disease called another cyst of the millium takes longer to disappear. In some cases where milia is persistent, special care is needed.

How to get rid of white spots medically

These white spots can usually disappear on their own within a few months. But to help get rid of these white spots, you can do a number of treatments. Here are some treatment methods recommended by medical experts:
  • Topical medication for retinoids

  • How to get rid of white spots under the eyes can be done by using topical retinoids such as creams, lotions, or gels. Retinoid compounds are known to produce new skin cell growth and reduce keratinization (keratin buildup) which triggers the appearance of white spots. Apart from removing white spots, this drug is also effective in overcoming blackheads.
But keep in mind, the side effects of excessive use of this topical drug and long-term can cause redness, swelling, and peeling on the area of ​​the skin smeared with the drug. While using topical retinoid medications, avoid sun exposure, because it can cause skin irritation. This drug should not be used by pregnant women.
  • Deroofing

  • How to remove white spots under the eyes of this one is done by using a sterile needle that aims to remove the contents of milia. Although this method is easy, but it is not recommended to do it yourself because it can cause sores and damage to the skin.
  • Dermabrasion, peeling, and laser ablation

  • Facial peeling is done by applying a chemical liquid that is useful to exfoliate the top layer of the skin, and remove dead skin cells. After that, dead skin will be replaced with new, healthier skin. Another exfoliation technique is dermabrasion, which is generally used to treat facial scarring. Dermabrasion can also be used to treat wrinkles, skin problems due to sun exposure, and pigmentation disorders. While laser ablation is a treatment that uses laser light to remove spots that arise. All three of these procedures can be performed by a dermatologist, and are known to be effective for milia that are already widespread or congested.
  • Diathermy, cryotherapy and curettage methods

  • Diathermy and cryotherapy have the same goal, namely to destroy cysts or white spots that arise. But both of them use different techniques. The diathermy method is the process of destroying milia using heat, while the cryotherapy method is carried out through the freezing process. While the curettage method is the act of erosion and cauterization (the procedure of burning skin tissue with electricity) to destroy cysts or white spots.

Milia Recovery Home Care

Some of the following tips can also be applied to help speed up the healing process, as well as preventive measures so that milia and white spots under the eyes do not appear again, namely:
  • Clean your face regularly

  • Every day clean your face using a facial cleanser or soap that is soft and free of parabens.
  • Avoid squeezing white spots

  • Avoid squeezing white spots using your hands or other objects, because it can cause sores, scab skin, to infections.
  • Steaming face

  • This can be done by means of steam therapy or steam baths. For those who have hot water taps in the bathroom, a steam shower can be done by turning the bathroom into a steam room. All you have to do is close the bathroom tightly and turn on the hot water tap until steam fills the bathroom. Sit for 5-8 minutes and allow steam to penetrate the skin, open skin pores, and release skin flakes or other irritations. When finished, turn off the hot water and wait a few minutes. Then pat the face gently using a towel, then rinse with warm water.
  • Exfoliate or exfoliate

  • You can exfoliate using exfoliating products that contain salicylic acid, citric acid, or glycolic acid. Exfoliate once a week.
  • Apply honey

  • Honey applied to the spots is believed to overcome milia. Honey is known as an antimicrobial which can help reduce inflammation and infection. Clinical studies show that honey mixed with cinnamon bark extract is effective in fighting bacteria that cause skin infections. Although milia is not usually caused by bacteria, a honey mask with cinnamon extract can be used to improve the appearance of your skin.

Care for white spots in newborns

White spots around the face of a newborn do not require medical treatment, but you can do the following tips so that the baby's skin looks better.
  • Keep your baby's body and face clean. Clean the baby's face with warm water and mild baby soap.
  • Dry his face with a soft towel or simply by gently patting his face until the skin dries.
  • Do not squeeze white spots because they can cause irritation and infection.
  • Avoid using lotion or oil on a baby's face.
In the first few months after birth, any rashes on the baby's skin accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever, loss of appetite, lethargy, and cough, need to be evaluated by a pediatrician as soon as possible. Similarly, a number of treatments and ways to remove white spots under the eyes that you can do. If the spots do not disappear over a period of several months or more, or if the condition has caused discomfort, then you should immediately consult a dermatologist.
